Four-Layer Bandaging for Venous Ulcer Treatment

Four-Layer Bandaging for venous ulcer treatment is a high-compression dressing system that incorporates elastic layers for achieving a sustained level of compression over a period of time. Compression therapy is now widely accepted as cornerstone of venous leg ulcer treatment which was developed over 15 years ago.
Four-Layer Bandaging is nowadays primarily used as treatment for venous ulceration. The procedure achieves for most patients with superficial, deep & also in combined venous incompetence. Four-Layer Bandaging is also able to prevent recurrence for venous ulcer patients who are unable to wear elastic hosiery. Even vulnerable patients with conditions like Alzheimer’s have been successfully managed with bandage changed every 1 – 2 weeks.
There is an increasing clinical experience in patients with venous lymphatic disorders using Four-Layer Bandaging. The inelastic effect & short-stretch which is prominent in this procedure has made this a very useful treatment option. Other indications where Four-Layer Bandaging is useful include conditions like pretibial lacerations where oedema is hindering wound healing.

However, it is very important to completely assess each patient prior to applying Four-Layer Bandaging treatment. This is done in order to confirm presence of venous disease & ascertain suitability for treatment. Moreover, failing to identify arterial disease will result in unsafe application of this compression therapy. Our practitioners are appropriately trained & understand how Four-Layer Bandaging can be modified to suit individual patients in order to achieve optimum levels of compression.